Reference: FPDICE
Brand: Poker Mania Shop
Chips / Chips SAYS 11,5 gr CUSTOM with your logo or graphics
Choose your graphics and compose have your chips set!
Reference: FPDICE
Brand: Poker Mania Shop
Choose your graphics and compose have your chips set!
Brand: Poker Mania Shop
the Italian Product
Reference: FPCROWN
Brand: Poker Mania Shop
Choose your graphics and compose have your chips set!
Reference: FPCGOLDEN
Brand: Poker Mania Shop
Choose your graphics and compose have your chips set!
Reference: RF25000
Brand: Poker Mania Shop
10 values are available for Tournament and Cash Game
Reference: RF50
Brand: Poker Mania Shop
10 values are available for Tournament and Cash Game
2 Games in 1
A new' to stimulate the children more' attentive and curious. Only the skill and restless of the players will help them in the right combinations, that take you to build a chain that fit together with digits with digits, figures with figures, and figures with the figures of the same numerical value. 2 games in 1: Domino's yum Yum and Domino Friends dell'orto Rules of the game: Before starting the game you choose with that dominoes play, Domino Gnam Gnam or Domino Friends dell'vegetable Garden, then you put the 55 playing cards to the center of the table with the signs turned down. Each player takes 7 cards, chosen at random, from them to the other players. Keep it aside and covered the deck of cards remaining. the first player, chosen freely, puts you at the center of the table a card face up at his choice. the second combines a'the other that we have in one of the two parties with the same figure. You proceed so you' until one of the players has no cards that can' to be matched to one of the end' of the game. In this case try to draw a card from the deck: if it' lucky the approaches to the ones already' on the table, otherwise it waits again for his turn. The shape of the drawing that the cards draw on the table and it' free. WINS THE PLAYER WHO GETS RID OF THE'LAST PAPER.
product Features:
Model: 2 games in 1: DOMINO GNAM GNAM & DOMINO the FRIENDS of the'the GARDEN Description: 2 decks of 55 playing cards + instructions Dimensions carte: 44 x 88 mm Box size: 98 x 146 x 30 mm Number of players: 2 to 7 - Eta' recommended: 6+ -
2 Games in 1